Asquad: How did it come to be and what is its purpose?

Nikita Izmaylov N1 is an investor and entrepreneur who told how one of his successful ideas, Asquad, came about. But first we need to look at the past to understand.

Why was this particular profession chosen?

Nikita has a mathematical mind, so he was interested in a profession close to business. Accounting and auditing was his choice. It really was a good choice, because now you can just look at the slide, find mistakes, inaccuracies, and make other recommendations. Of course, a lot of work experience was accumulated.

Were there any ventures in your student years?

The idea to create a satirical newspaper, which was called The Bag, came up in my second year at university. It should be noted that the project was really successful, and in 2007 we managed to increase the circulation to 10,000 copies and the business was breaking even. But it was clear that he wasn't going to make any money on it, so he moved on.

After a while Nikita started distributing plastic windows. A lot of classmates and teachers supported the project. The advertising outlets were improvised as window installations.

Already after graduation and after he moved to the capital, there was the task of getting into the Big Four. There were a lot of interviews, and along with this was selling furniture from the vine, the earnings are good, but again wanted something more. In addition, at that time he was studying the standards of international accounting and auditing, which helped Nikita get a job at KPMG. And then his career began to grow rapidly.

How did you start working with PariMarch?

Nikita was invited as an executive, and at the time of the search the company was going through its restructuring and was interested in finding new talent.

Well, there was some luck here, too, because a good acquaintance worked at the company, who gave the recommendation. He understood that Izmailov fit in perfectly with the team, and it turned out that way.

Asquad - how did it come about?

You have to start at the beginning, with fintech fund No.1, the first project that became a well-known sports bank. That is, there was already experience, and from the start of a new project it was clear how to work and what to get in the end. In essence, Asquad was born out of a problem that would not be solved. In order to launch new markets quickly, it was necessary to integrate the payment system within days.

And indeed it succeeded, the project is now actively developing and being used frequently. Without difficulties, of course, it is not possible to do without. First of all, this is due to many foreign investors who simply do not trust the Ukrainian fintech, so it is not possible to sell it for a large sum, well, attracting an investor is not the easiest task.

At the moment, Asquad's clients are companies interested in working online, being able to get cashless transfers and getting paid for services. So if the staff has no qualified consultant, the question arises, how to implement everything? And this project is a way out of the situation because the integration often happens in a day and you can quickly get up to speed and develop.

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